Sunday, November 1, 2009

The love, frustration and humor of being a firefighter's wife

your kids refer to the station as "daddy's other house" and your friends are constantly asking you who is single, while at the same time women drool over your husband. it can be fun, scary, funyy, annoying and frustrating but at the end of the shift you realize you married a hero and couldn't be more in love! my kids go to field trips at daddy's work and don't even realize what these men do on a daily basis. they just know they get to see their dad for a minutes that day. my husband works 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet, he doesn't do this for money he does it because he loves it. we fight like cats and dogs because i can't keep up with the house between 2 kids, 2 dogs, my schooling, and his schedule. people don't understand what it's really like to not know if your husband will come home after his 24 hour shift. girls at school complain they can't sleep when their men are away at their desk jobs but don't know what it's like to wake up in the middle of the night on the coldest day of the year to sirens and know their husband is going into a burning building. not to mention being on that fire in 24 below temps and coming home 10 hours after their 24 hour, to be sick and chilled to the bone for weeks to come. fireman deserve more than what they get, to be told that all they do is sit sround and cookout and watch t.v makes me laugh, try a day in the life! we go down to the station for dinner and i'm always cooking for all the guys while they're on a call and hoping it stays warm enough to eat once they get back from the 2nd call that came through on their way back! i couldn't love or respect my husband more for what he does everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found me and thanks for commenting - I actually started a blog just for us Fire Wives too. Just last month! The Fire Wife:

    I'm trying to transfer all my "fire service" related posts over there so that they are all in one spot. I'm hoping the site will be helpful to wives and families because as you know, the more support WE have, the better we can be for our fire fighters!

